Source: I Love My Natural Hair
Monday, 30 January 2012
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Giveaway! Kynx 'I Am Pure' Hair Oil
Kynx Hair Care is hosting a giveaway on the Naturally Beautiful Hair blog. They are giving away a bottle of I Am Pure hair oil. The oil can be used for a hot oil treatment on your hair, or it can be used as a scalp treatment. I am Pure...monoi de tahiti oil is a "2,000 year old Polynesian secret that is clinically proven to: strengthen, soften, repair, and restore your hair to a healthy condition. The result is healthy, soft and lustrous hair that is easy to manage and style."
To enter the contest, follow these three steps:
1. Check out the Kynx website, and tell everyone one thing you learned about their products hair care line, in the reply section of this post.
2. Like Kynx on Facebook.
2. Like Kynx on Facebook.
2. To win the contest, you must be an official follower of this blog.
The contest will end on February 11th, 2012 at 10pm. Kynx's will then choose a winner. I will announce the winners name and that person will send me their shipping address. The prize will be shipped out directly from the Kynx company. Good luck everyone!
P.S. Also, my daughters have tried the Kynx I Am Free miracle kink cream, and enjoy using it when styling their hair. Kynx has a lot of great products that work great for natural hair.
P.S. Also, my daughters have tried the Kynx I Am Free miracle kink cream, and enjoy using it when styling their hair. Kynx has a lot of great products that work great for natural hair.
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
A Hair Story by Briaan
I've been meaning to write the story of my hair. It has a history of its own now. And my decision to document it is not an effort to romanticize my natural journey as is trendy to do now, but to use it as an example of a lesson I recently learned and as a motif in my transition to adulthood.
My hair regimen used to be a complex process. First stop, the beauty supply. It appears modest from the outside, but once you enter the little white door, bell ringing at your arrival, you see hair hung from floor to ceiling. Any type of hair you could dream of donning: long, straight, wavy, curly, blue, green, yellow, blonde, wigs, tracks, pieces, bangs, ponytails, they're all there. As a regular, the decision doesn't overwhelm me. Routinely, I request "Three packs of 'Tasha Deep Wave', two of them in a number two and the third, a number 2 and 33 mix, please". In translation, two packs in deep brown, my "natural" hair color, and the third pack, deep brown with honey blonde highlights. The beauty supply has a language all it's own. If you're familiar, then you know what the terms Yaki, Remi, Wet n' Wavy, and synthetic refer to. You know the number that represents your real hair color and that which represents the hair color you wear most. I already know the price of this style. $34.00 altogether. My requested packs of hair are retrieved and tossed into a black plastic bag. I once concluded that they chose the discreetness of a black plastic bag so as to stay true to the illusion. Who would want the public to see their hair in a package before its made it to their head perpetrating a glamorous fraud? Next stop, the beauty shop.
My beautician submerges her fingertips through the jungle of my new growth until reaching my scalp. "Ooh wee," she utters in reaction to the thick crop of texture that has interrupted my relaxed tresses. In an instant, she's slicing through the treachery of my roots with a parting comb and slathering a cold creamy relaxer into them. She smoothes it through until my whole scalp is covered and the familiar chemical rids my hair of any unwanted kinkiness. I then transition to the sink where she rinses out the relaxer, fingers now slipping effortlessly through my flat, thin strands. By the end, I emerge from the sink with my hair slicked straight back on my scalp, which tingles now in reaction to the process. At this point, about 95% of my hair is thrust into a modest bun with only a portion in the front left free. This is for the sole purpose of blending my natural hairline with the weave. After a spell under the dryer, I'm prepared for an hour in the salon chair. My beautician retrieves the tracks of hair from the first package holding them from end to end like strings of garland and begins glueing them to my head. By the end of this process, the salon chair twists me toward the mirror to reveal me with a head of full, silky, shoulder-brushing, perfectly spiraled curls that could pass for my own. Scents of hair glue, gel, and spray still linger in the air as I peer into the mirror satisfied, feeling beautiful.
This style was my signature look. I used to go to the store, spend money, chemically straighten my hair, sit under a dryer for an hour, and sit in a chair for another hour getting things glued onto my head to achieve a head full of beautiful curls. Imagine my excitement when it FINALLY dawned on me that I could achieve them just by growing them from my very own scalp.
The halfway mark of my undergraduate career was perfect timing for me to start rocking my natural hair. I would soon be 21 years old and transitioning into legal adulthood. A college setting was an appropriate space for me to experiment with style and color without concerning myself with the expectations of a job environment. So I put together a collage of photos that inspired the style I wanted to achieve and made my appointment at the salon in New York. I went alone. The only support and encouragement I needed was my own. I arrived quite a bit early so I wouldn't get lost and decided to get a manicure at a shop across the street first. My appointment was made for the first weekend after I arrived back in New York, right before classes officially started. I was excited. I knew I wanted a crop of short red curls just like I'd seen Kelis rock in some photos.
I sat down in the salon chair facing the mirror, a familiar position. The stylist submerged his fingers into my roots, this time without an instant "ooh wee." Instead, he said, "It feels very dry." There was no relaxer to the rescue at this appointment. The appointment felt more like a physical therapy session for my hair. I was taken to the sink, washed, conditioned, coached on how to care for it, then taken back to the chair for my relaxed remnants to be trimmed for good, then taken back to the sink for a rinse, then blowdried and colored, then another rinse and another blowdry, then cut into a shape then saturated with some product and dried and finally I was natural, red-headed, and short-haired. I felt brand new and free. I smiled the whole way back to my dorm. And the next day I went straight to the mall to shop for clothes and accessories to complement the look. That evening I played dress up in my room and produced a Facebook-ready photo shoot to reveal the transformation. The flood of supportive responses both relieved and rejuvenated me, validating my decision.
The first time I returned home and my family saw my hair in person, they glared in pure fascination at the tiny spirals protruding from my scalp. Many of my relatives, mainly my mom, couldn't resist the urge to touch it. My grandma asked me if I curled it manually and stared in genuine disbelief when I explained that it curled like that itself, all I used was water and gel. My great aunt fawned over how beautiful I looked. I felt absolutely on top of the world. My mother, who has suffered with alopecia for the past few years, was relatively skeptical when I told her I planned to cut my hair. She said she was concerned about my style versatility, but I know she probably also hesitated with the thought of how it would look. I realized during my trip home how incredibly unfamiliar my family was with the nature and texture of natural hair. But suddenly after seeing mine, my mom started showing me proudly her newly grown natural curls that formed around the edges of her braided hair. I urged her to go natural too by insisting that her hair could look like mine also. So the evening she told me she was going to cut off her relaxed ends after she took down her braids, I rejoiced inside but tried not to draw too much attention to my excitement. Remembering how much it tugged at me that she didn't fully support my decision to cut my hair off, I loved that I was able to inspire her. It made me feel more adult, the concept of making a decision despite my mother's hesitance that, in the end, inspired her to change her initial perspective. So prior to her next braid appointment, my mom cut off her relaxed hair herself, put some grease in her virgin curls, looked in the mirror and smiled. And I pray that her scalp will take her gesture as a peace offering and that her alopecia will start to heal for good.
During this same time, my grandmother had applied a relaxer to her hair that caused an extreme amount of breakage. And the day before I flew back to New York, she said to me, "I'm 'bout to grow my hair out like you did." I smiled and said, "That's good, it will be good for it." I'm excited that my choice to take better care of myself and my hair has motivated the women in my family to do the same and see the beauty in natural hair. But what has resonated with me from the experience was the fact that I did my own research, garnered my own courage and confidence, and made a decision that both educated and inspired the older generations of my family. I feel that that's what each generation is supposed to do. Young, old, or middle-aged, everyone has room to learn, grow, and evolve.
Monday, 23 January 2012
Friday, 20 January 2012
Excercise For Back & Chest Muscles

While watching the new tv show The Revolution, they talked about how with age, women's breast start to sag a bit. They also suggested some great exercises that will help to strengthen your chest and back muscles. I search for a few key words on youtube and found some great exercise videos that demonstrated the recommended exercises. The recommended exercises to strengthen your chest and back muscles are Reverse Fly, Bicep Curl (Helps to strengthen upper body. If you don't have and exercise band, you can use hold two bottles of water or two cans of food, and still do the same moves.), and the Superman (strengthens back and front muscles). Here is an example of the Reverse Fly below.
Thursday, 19 January 2012
3 Ways To Help Our Little Princesses Love Their Hair
3 Ways To Help Our Little Princesses Love Their Hair
By Terez Howard
“I want my puffs. I like them big, real BIG, because I like to squeeze them.”
After I fix her puffs as big as I can get them, she stands about 2 inches from the full-length mirror in our hallway and gives them a good squeeze. She’s obviously very pleased with the results.
“My hair is like yours,” she says excitedly.
My 4-year-old loves her curly hair. After a no-poo wash, I swear that she’s going to get whiplash from whipping her hair. Although she believes her hair is just like mine, it isn’t. She is half white. And I have micro locs.
Happy with my hair
Before Micah was born, I learned to love my natural hair. I have been determined to ensure my daughter loves what she’s been given - her skin, her nose, her toes and yes, her hair. Children learn by example. I love my hair. The Girl wants to be like Mama, so she loves her hair.
That means that I don’t complain about my hair texture. I do not talk about limitations associated with my hair. And, I certainly do not long for “good hair.” She will never hear me talk smack on my own hair.
I take pride in my hair. I show off that pride by trying out a variety of hair styles. I show off her hair with a plethora of hair styles, as well. This way, she can see that her hair doesn’t need to be fried or altered chemically to look cute. That is exactly what our little princesses should know.
Hair talk
Like I said before, my daughter is 4. But I don’t underestimate her capacity to learn. She knows that Mama’s locs will not come out, that I have to retighten my roots, why I needed to braid and band during shampooings, why I braid her hair at night, why we use a Denman imitation, why she gets regular trims, and I could go on and on. Now, I certainly don’t sit her down and put her through Naturalicious Hair 101. Yet, as we go about our day, we talk about everything we do. That includes what we do with our hair.
Take time to explain what and why you do what you do to your hair and your daughter’s. For a 4-year-old, just a couple sentences suffice.
Micah likes to share what she knows about hair. Just recently, she very matter-of-factly told her 3-year-old friend, “My Mama has Sisterlocks.” Like the old adage, knowledge is power. That power gives her confidence.
Show natural love
My daughter loves Nonna’s waist-length, straight, black hair. She loves Mama’s micro locs, too. She and I compliment hair styles from women of all hair textures. Together, we show our appreciation for the hair on various ladies’ heads.
Spending time to speak well of various textures shows that we don’t favor anyone. It’s not all about straight hair or just curly hair or only locked hair. We don’t avoid giving praise where praise is due. We take time to appreciate everyone.
Our little princesses deserve to feel beautiful with what God gave them. We can engender this pride by what we say, what we do and how we feel.
Terez Howard
Freelance Writer, Editor and Naturalista
Freelance Writer, Editor and Naturalista
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Monday, 9 January 2012
High Puff Tutorial - By Ebony
Natural hair tutorial from Ebony. She shows us how to create a High Curly Puff. To see more of Ebony, check her out at Coloured Beautiful on Youtube.
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Natural Ladies In the House
Model - Noel
Hello Natural Ladies!!My name is Noel Simone Wippler. I am 20 years old and I am born and raised in New York City. My goal is to be a Natural Hair Model. I would like to be a model and advocate natural hair and hair styles for stylists, photographers, for magazines, for hair shows, & websites. I am open to all natural hair styles and opportunities and advocating natural hair care.I would like to promote healthy hair styles for ladies aspiring to be natural. People admire my hair everywhere I go! My hair has been on a spiritual journey with me. When I had my hair relaxed since I was 6 years old with Super Relaxers, my hair would be lifeless and easily damaged. No matter how much I cared for my hair, and protected it, it would still be weak, and dry! It seemed as if I were wasting all of my money and time on my hair, and I wouldn't be content with it. So in 2009, I decided I was going to grow my relaxer out. Two years later, and I am happier than ever! I will grow my hair as long as it can go. I want to show ladies that it is possible!Would you like me to be your hair model? I would love to work for you! Contact Information: Noel S. Wippler, Email: Thank You For Your Time. Peace.

I love sites that appreciate being natural and how natural is with that being said "I'M HAPPY TO BE NAPPY...AND FADED TIGHT"
I am 36 years old and I have a career in social work, in addition, to being a full time mother. I work with individuals who have had their children taken away for abuse, threatened harm or neglect, in addition to, working with parents that have substance abuse issues that have also resulted in their children being removed. I have worked in this profession for over 10 years. I have been growing my locks for 11 years and I remember when I started them, there were not many encouraging sites such as your to help me with my journey. My locks are so much a part of me and who I have become. Contact:
I was all about relaxed super straight hair. The straighter the better. I loved wigs and weaves. I mainly did quick weave bobs, or long curls. I decided to go natural because my hair looked life less and unhealthy. It wasn't growing the way I wanted it to. I had recently dyed it myself (bad idea) and it broke off really bad. I just wanted my hair to look healthy and grow which is why I decided to go natural
I didn't know what my hair would look like without being relaxed and was afraid I would go back and relax it if I couldn't take care of it. I also was worried about how my then boyfriend would react to it. He surprisingly loved it and I was really shocked by this. I decided in July 2011 that I was not going to relax my hair anymore. By August I was ready to get that Dark and Lovely in my head, but I remained strong. I was just doing wigs and extensions. Then in October of this year, I got off work one day and just decided to cut my hair! I cut off all my relaxed hair and had tight curls left. I couldn't believe it and took a picture and sent it to my boyfriend. I washed it and just wore it in a fro the next day at work. I received a lot of compliments on it. I was alittle leery because I didn't feel like a girl. But after watching youtube videos( love love love iknowlee, HUGE help to me) I started buying cute headbands and flowers(my favorite). I haven't quite mastered the two strand twist but I'm working on it. So its either in a TWA or a puff most of the time. This also gave me a chance to play up my eye makeup and wear different earrings( feathers, feathers, feathers!). When I look at myself now, I feel absolutely beautiful and I love how fast my hair is growing and how healthy it looks. Being newly natural, I enjoy the blogs and youtube videos because it gives me confidence to remain natural and be true to myself. Truely glad to have found the new me!
My favorite products: Shea Moisture Curling Smoothie..makes my hair feel really soft and healthy looking. Knot Today Leave In from Kinky Curly. Use this to detangle my hair in the shower. If though it doesn't get that tangled surprisingly. ORS Edge Control. I use this when I do my puffs. I don't like my edges looking bad and this really smoothes them down. ** Bonus- Organix Nourishing Coconut Milk thick and leaves my hair feeling really soft and smelling even better. My advice for others: I would say just to go for it! I have gain so much confidence in myself and the woman that I have become just by the few months of me being natural. I see my mom who passed away in 2006 when I look in the mirror and I love that! If you want healthy hair that grows extremely fast(like mine has) I think going natural is the way to go. Wish I would've have cut my hair sooner!




I was all about relaxed super straight hair. The straighter the better. I loved wigs and weaves. I mainly did quick weave bobs, or long curls. I decided to go natural because my hair looked life less and unhealthy. It wasn't growing the way I wanted it to. I had recently dyed it myself (bad idea) and it broke off really bad. I just wanted my hair to look healthy and grow which is why I decided to go natural
I didn't know what my hair would look like without being relaxed and was afraid I would go back and relax it if I couldn't take care of it. I also was worried about how my then boyfriend would react to it. He surprisingly loved it and I was really shocked by this. I decided in July 2011 that I was not going to relax my hair anymore. By August I was ready to get that Dark and Lovely in my head, but I remained strong. I was just doing wigs and extensions. Then in October of this year, I got off work one day and just decided to cut my hair! I cut off all my relaxed hair and had tight curls left. I couldn't believe it and took a picture and sent it to my boyfriend. I washed it and just wore it in a fro the next day at work. I received a lot of compliments on it. I was alittle leery because I didn't feel like a girl. But after watching youtube videos( love love love iknowlee, HUGE help to me) I started buying cute headbands and flowers(my favorite). I haven't quite mastered the two strand twist but I'm working on it. So its either in a TWA or a puff most of the time. This also gave me a chance to play up my eye makeup and wear different earrings( feathers, feathers, feathers!). When I look at myself now, I feel absolutely beautiful and I love how fast my hair is growing and how healthy it looks. Being newly natural, I enjoy the blogs and youtube videos because it gives me confidence to remain natural and be true to myself. Truely glad to have found the new me!
My favorite products: Shea Moisture Curling Smoothie..makes my hair feel really soft and healthy looking. Knot Today Leave In from Kinky Curly. Use this to detangle my hair in the shower. If though it doesn't get that tangled surprisingly. ORS Edge Control. I use this when I do my puffs. I don't like my edges looking bad and this really smoothes them down. ** Bonus- Organix Nourishing Coconut Milk thick and leaves my hair feeling really soft and smelling even better. My advice for others: I would say just to go for it! I have gain so much confidence in myself and the woman that I have become just by the few months of me being natural. I see my mom who passed away in 2006 when I look in the mirror and I love that! If you want healthy hair that grows extremely fast(like mine has) I think going natural is the way to go. Wish I would've have cut my hair sooner!
Monday, 2 January 2012
Sunday, 1 January 2012
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