Princess Tiana is Disney’s latest princess, and their first African American character in this type of a role. There is a lot of hype around the creation of this story line and the character. Unfortunately it's not all positive. The biggest complaint seems to be because the prince, who plays her love interest, is not African American.

I for one, think that multicultural couples & families are beautiful! My own family is made up of different cultures and races. But it does worry me that Disney may be sending out mixed signals that an African American male image is not good enough to play the role of a Prince Charming. Although some of the arguments being made have some good points, I am still very happy that Disney is stepping out of their box by creating their first black female princess character. I hope that when the film finally comes out, that it will be just as magical as our past fairy tale favorites.
"Rounding out Disney's multicultural royalty (see below) are Mulan, from

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